Lester Johnson Interview
TPS: What inspires you as an artist?
LJ: My inspiration as an artist began with encouragement from my parents to create visual family stories, nature studies, and imaginary times and places. My father was a great, inspirational storyteller and historian.
As children, he provided us with an oral history of our family. He entertained us at bedtime by reading to us adventurous stories and sharing illustrative sketches of storybook characters. Great life lessons were learned from "The Boy Who Cried, Wolf" and "The Tortoise and the Hare." We cherish, with gratitude, these memorable lifelong lessons.
Our family has shared an enduring spiritual faith for generations. Our trusted beliefs have grounded and sustained my faith. Sharing my talent and collaborating with
artisans is essential and has enhanced my spiritual work as well. Daily contact with nature provides reassurance that universal order and purpose will prevail.
TPS: What is your spiritual process for beginning your work? Your Thoughts?
LJ: Creating a painting thought process begins with making a variety of choices. The selection of materials, colors, acrylics, markers, brushes, or non-traditional tools. Driving the process is sometimes like a calling. I feel the inspirational ideas for creating art daily. The genesis for art-making is often random. Achieving a continuous conversation is the objective regardless of subject matter. Access to creative thought, without limitations, is the openness that I never want to lose.
TPS: How has your creative process changed after experiencing 2020 and the pandemic?
LJ: The Pandemic is a continuing tragedy and my future work will respond to these appalling events. Artists have been unrelenting in their response to tragedy for example Pablo Picasso's "Guernica."
The bombing of Guernica, during the Spanish Civil War, 1937, was a crime against humanity. Picasso's mural depicted the destruction of Guernica, a non military target, for the world to remember.
I will join with the artists who will speak volumes about all aspects of this dreadful global pandemic.
TPS: Share your wisdom about creativity as a spiritual practice.
LJ: Addressing the question of wisdom, creativity, and spiritual practice. The challenge is listening and learning from her words that lightened our pathway forward. Maya Angelou said:
“A joyful spirit is evidence of a grateful heart”
For further reading about Lester’s work, go here.
Click here for information on Lester Johnson's ONE MAN SHOW May 14-29, 2022