Accepting Our Inner Universe
By Brenda Recore
Ever since I was a young child, I've been captivated by the sky - be it the clouds by day or the stars by night. While most four years olds were playing in the park on the monkey bars and slides, I was lying in the grass watching theformation of the "cloud people" ( as I named them) while yearning to remember why I wasn't floating above instead of laying below. As I grew older, my fascination with the earthly heavens only increased. It was further enhanced by a spiritual quest which included spiritual teachers and shamans, much self-growth, miraculous healings, visitations to sacred earth sites, self-growth, huge life changes, and once again, did I mention self-growth? A never-ending evolution of consciousness - often magical, always expansive, and not always easy- especially when confronting personal fears, conventional belief systems, and pesky attachments to ego outcomes and materiality.My life still reflects that magnetic pull towards the sky and stars, but now I understand it to be not outside of me, but an infinite spiritual universe preciously held within me. As Master Jesus affirmed 2000 yrsago in his sacred teachings, "The Kingdom of Heaven lies within you."As Divine star beings of light, it is my belief that each of us contain within our physical form the fullness of Nature's consciousness - mineral, plant, animal, and elemental. As we create a daily practice of listening to our Divine self for guidance while consistently transforming personal fears and behavioral patterns, we naturally become a Divine alchemist. The world then takes on a clarity where problems loom less overwhelming and compassion isdeepened because we are observing ourselves from a different vantage point ( perhaps looking out from the stars rather than up to them)? Being a neutral observer, it is easier to watch one's emotional triggers/reactions with more forgiveness, neutrality, and grace. Furthermore, any personal ego stories or physical dis-eases can be gently released through the recognition that there really is no solid matter to heal but only fields of consciousness to shift.I've often reflected that if indeed we are each starseeds of the spiritual universe and inherently contain all it's vitamins, minerals and elements then by logic we also contain grids of light as well. If this premise is true ( which I believe it to be) then our very physical, bodily form can offer through conscious "thought" the opportunity to transform even nature itself. For example, take fault-lines triggering earthquakes. I sincerely believe as one compassionately forgives their own "faults" and human mistakes, releases regret/shame, and changes a behavior pattern then the earth indeed is blessed.Imagine the impact of thousands of conscious individuals healing their "supposed" faults. The effect ( as in the 100th Monkey Theory) would be a critical mass shifting collective consciousness - and quite possibly, the disappearance of earthquakes from our planet.This is the potential power of healing our own grids of consciousness - the earth, too, will heal. What IS required to heal our inner grids? Personally, I've found it requires a daily awareness and surrender of my personal ego as well as a humble willingness to follow the hand of Divine guidance. I also ALWAYS need to remind myself to stop "doing" and "just be" so that my Higher Self is free to get on with its mission.As I've so loved the "cloud people" and the stars throughout my life, I also grasp and appreciate the profound significance of the song Bette Midler made famous years ago called "From a Distance". Now more than ever, we all need to observe the divine heart of one another from a heavenly vantage point. We are brilliant expressions of the Universe and our Earth is a sacred reflection of Mother Nature wherein each of us are given the opportunity to evolve, create, and contribute.For me, this deepening understanding fuels my daily intention to align "inner unity and harmony" with an outer expression of love, peace, balance, and gratitude.