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Celebrating the Equinox

Remembering the Way of the Masters

Twice a year our planet experiences equal portions of light and shadow. One occurs in the fall, and the second is in the spring. Ancient traditions celebrated these cycles of earth with ceremony and deep appreciation for both the literal and symbolic seasons of change. September 23rd, during this year's fall equinox, the Infinity Sign will be in full expression as two opposing energies (sunlight and darkness) come together in a moment of perfect “stillness”. The Druids and Celtic cultures, in particular, would take the time to retreat into silence and retrospection for two days prior to any equinox.   

The Peacock Solution invites its readers to do just that with this year's equinox celebration. Be in nature, allow intuition to guide you deeply into silence, and embrace whatever practice of Oneness you cherish. During an equinox the cosmic forces are more powerful in bringing to the surface of consciousness any areas where our individual “sunlight and darkness” sides might be out of balance. One can address these observations free of denial, shame, and guilt and begin accepting this part of our human self with awareness and an intention of “balance.”   

Through quiet reflection during these days, there is likewise an opportunity to witness one's innate divinity with heightened illumination – reclaiming our power and the many gifts each of us carry within. There is a perfect “stillpoint” - a precious balance within consciousness of the human and divine coincidence. Through this practice, one can see beyond the distortions and illusions of our human condition AND perceive that within each individual lies no less a reflection of God than within me, or the Buddha or the Christ. That is self-mastery. As the Masters walked the earth always wearing the cloak of divinity wherever they went, so can we. May we emerge from our time in contemplation during this Fall Equinox with the awareness to look at each individual moment or encounter and ask: What would Master Jesus or Buddha or any of the Ancient Prophets do with this moment? Let me remove myself (personality) and place them here.  

What would Master Jesus say to this one? Would this be the hour he would say “Come, follow me?” or would this be the day he'd tear the Temple down? Or would he perhaps sit in silence or would he say “Brother you deceive yourself this is not the God in you I hear speaking”.     Or perhaps we will emerge from our quiet practice with more clarity and understanding of Buddha's Quote: “In the end only three things matter: How much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”  

All of the Masters who have walked in the past or currently walking the earth this day give the same message. It is not what one does or how much one has that counts. It is the consciousness and acts of Love that one applies to every thought, word, or action that make a difference. May all of us bless the earth this fall equinox with a renewed awareness of thought, love of and acceptance of self, and plant seeds of forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude.