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Forever Papa?

Papa, how long have you loved us?

Why I’ve always loved you. The first time I saw you when you were born, I already loved you. There is never a time that I haven’t loved you and there will never be a time that I won’t love you.

Really Papa?

Really, girls, I will always love you.

Forever Papa?

Forever, my Loves.

Papa, what will we look like when we grow up?

Oh, you will be just as beautiful as you are now, you’ll just be bigger. Your face may change as you get older. Your body may change as you get older. Your hair may change as you get older.

But you will always be beautiful. As beautiful as the day you were born. You are Beautiful outside because you are Beautiful inside. When people look at you, they think of Love and Happiness. That’s what makes you Beautiful.

Really Papa?

Really girls. You’ll always be Beautiful.

Forever Papa?

Forever, my Loves.

Papa, are we Smart?

So Smart! I saw it in your eyes the first day I saw you. You both were born and looked around the room, already trying to figure out where you were. And every day since, you’ve gotten

smarter. The way you talk, and think and act.....very smart girls!

Really Papa?

Really girls. You are very smart and you’ll just keep getting smarter.

Forever Papa?

Forever, My Loves.

Papa, are we funny?

Oh my, yes. You have made me laugh since you were tiny. And as soon as you could talk, you both started saying funny things. And you make each other laugh, which makes me laugh even

harder! I am starting to laugh just thinking about some of the funny things you have said. You are the funniest girls I know. And it helps me because when I laugh, it makes me feel younger!

Really Papa?

Really girls. You will always make me laugh!

Forever Papa?

Forever, my Loves.

Papa, what we will be when we grow up?

You can be anything you want to be. Anything! Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t be. If it can be dreamed of, it can be done. Don’t ever think anything can stop you if you want something enough. Do you want to be a Dancer? You can. Do you want to be a Princess? You can. Do you want to be a Doctor? You can. Don’t ever, ever think there’s something you can’t be if you want to bad enough. No one can tell you who or what you can be. Oh, they’ll try. But I’ve seen it in both of your eyes.

You are going to grow up to be the people you were meant to be. And that will change the World.

Really Papa?

Really girls. You can be whatever you want to be.

Forever Papa?

Forever, my Loves.

Papa, will you always be here for us?

I will always be with you. Even someday, when you can’t see me, I’ll be with you. You’ll hear a song you know I liked. And as goofy as it was, I’ll suddenly be with you. Someone will tell a bad joke. You’ll cringe and then smile because I’ll suddenly be with you. You’ll glance in the mirror and for just a moment, you’ll see my blue eyes in yours. I’ll suddenly be with you. You’ll look at your Daddy and see how much he looks like me, at every age. And some of those times, I’ll suddenly be with you.

Really Papa?

Really girls. You might not see me with your eyes, but you’ll have no doubt I’m there.

Forever Papa?

Forever, my Loves.