Why the Peacock Solution?
Do you knowwhat it feels like to be loved unconditionally? To have someone see the beauty of your soul the moment they meet you?
Not the color of your skin or judge you because you’re too fat or too thin.Poor or rich.Educated…uneducated.Male or female.
Do you know what it feels like to have someone simply love you…just YOU? With no agenda?
Much like many of you…I have moved through many of life’s challenges. A painful divorce.The death of my mother and father.3 jobs I loved disappearing into the chaos of corporate takeovers. The sudden death of my sister.Boom….Boom….one thing after the other! Reeling with how fast my life was changing.
When the student is ready the teacher appears. When Brenda introduced me to James… He RECOGNIZED me…my soul…my spirit…my heart. Even through the layers of my “stuff”…my fears, my ego, my pain, my hiding…, he saw the light of my soul. This is the way James sees EVERYONE he meets. He sees us with his heart. And when we met….I SAW him. I felt his unconditional love. I felt his immediate acceptance of who I am far beyond being an African American woman and my own self-judgment. I felt his spirit…I saw the depth of his soul in his eyes.…and there was an immediate knowingness of his powerful spiritual gifts. He saw the light of who I am…my divinity and my humanity.I heard a quote the other day that describes my experiences with James so beautifully….”His genius is the ability to decode the human heart.”I have sat with James in sessions…not quite having the words to describe my feelings…and he literally translates what’s in my heart… it’s a miraculous experience…and always brings a smile to my heart because I often struggle with verbal expression…..he reads what’s in my heart. This moves me through feeling “stuck” so that we can get to the root of what I am moving through in the moment. It’s so freeing to peel away one more layer on the path to “self” love and acceptance.
Do you know what it feels like to have someone walk through the fire with you? To show up? ….and at the same time call you on your stuff so that the lessons you are learning are about owning your choices and being responsible for those choices so that the experience of loving yourself can be real? And you are still loved unconditionally? This has been my walk with James as my spiritual teacher. I had a really hard time last summer….moving through feelings of deep sadness…and thankfully the experience became transformative….in the midst of these feelings of incredible grief… I thought about the thousands of times James had walked through the fires of my experiences with me.....through the darkness….into the light of a spiritual understanding of what I was moving through for personal growth and the evolution of humanity.I intuitively knew it was important for me to express my gratitude to James and give back from this place of profound sadness.I searched and searched…with a sense that I would be guided to the perfect gift and it manifested as a bronze of the Buddha sitting under a Bodhi tree…filled with peacocks! I had read about the ancient teaching of peacocks having the ability to eat poisonous plants and insects and transmute this experience into feathers of beauty. The Peacock Solution was born from this place of profound sadness and evolved into the beauty and privilege of my giving back. James and Brenda have been my spiritual family for over 13 years and my gift of service is extending their love for me and countless others to each of you through The Peacock Solution. A spiritual community to share and live the Teachings of Wisdom.
My gratitude for their love, compassion and loyalty is expressed beautifully in these testimonials from Gurudevi.Read her words and know that you are welcome to join us on this amazing and sacred journey of living a spiritual life.
You are invited to email james@thepeacocksolution.com and Brenda@thepeacocksolution.com . and also contribute your stories and share The Peacock Solution with family and friends. This is our call for a global reunion. When a dedicated teacher with great integrity and authenticity enters your life it CHANGES forever. My responsibility is to be aware of these changes and respond to what I am seeing and experiencing with the same dedication and integrity. This is how we grow spiritually and with gratitude. This is the spirit and soul of The Peacock Solution. For those who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.
With love and gratitude,
Phyllis Johnson