Your life is an invitation.  It reads "Come as you are"

Spiritual Mentor:  The Peacock Solution

Meet James

James is our Peacock Solution's Spiritual Mentor and prolific writer/Contributor to our online community.

Do you have a specific and personal question for James today?

Feel free to reach out to James:


"Thank you, James, for the beautiful words spoken with great clarity and wisdom. I so appreciate your courageous invitation for all of us to look within to uncover what is waiting there for our own introspection and action--to uncover what is waiting there for us as a gift at this unprecedented time.  Your words offer a real invitation and I appreciate every word you've spoken.  You are a Master of knowing the truth of our humanity. Thank you!! 

E. M. Madison, Wisconsin 

"James- What a gift your presence has been in my life. You have been my own personal peacock solution- transforming my own sadness into beauty.   Thank you for being such a beacon of light for not only me but for the world. Happy Birthday!"

Love, V. O. Encinitas, California

"James, Thank you for the message and it's clarity.  The reminder of the loving steps we can take each moment is a blessing. Thank you again for your love, mentorship and example. Allowing my divinity to drive the choices I make every moment is a relatively new concept for me (this time around). Thank you for being there with me on this journey. Whether it's next to me, behind me, in front of me, or carrying me, your unconditional love shines a light each day that acts like a beacon. Thank you again!"

With Love, R.F.   La Quinta, California

"James It seems I need to be reminded of that "mirror" reflecting what I think are other peoples thoughts when they are really mine. I can so easily recognize the anger, hatred, ego, closed mind of others but as you so often tell us I need to look inward to find the truth about these feelings."  

F.B.  Rancho Mirage, California

"James, You share so many pearls of wisdom -- how to be “present centered”. Thank you! So…in order to de-clutter from stuff and heal old thought patterns, I must stay in the flow of my ‘inner being’. But, in the present! Because my ‘inner being’ is always guiding me to the next, and the next, and the next. Where I’m always finding my balance. It becomes a never-ending process as long as I remain in the NOW! An inspiring lesson… Thank you, James!"

N. P. La Quinta, California