Experience Gratitude as a ‘Way of Life’ with ONE Daily Habit

Experience Gratitude as a ‘Way of Life’ with ONE Daily Habit

Even When Life Becomes Complicated, Stressful, or Filled with Setbacks.

Nancy Paris

By Nancy Paris

What I know for sure is… we experience giving thanks under two circumstances:

1) For something, or someone, at a particular moment in time.

2) As a ‘way of life’ or ‘state of being’ every day.

Like most, I practice giving thanks at a particular moment in time. But, I’ve found it difficult to practice gratitude as a ‘state of being’ every day - especially under the worst of circumstances. Including death, divorce, relocations, financial setbacks, and life-threatening illnesses.

Committing to an everyday gratitude practice - versus showing gratitude in a moment of time - doesn’t come naturally to everyone. That’s because of the differences in our brains, genes, and personalities. For many of us, an everyday gratitude practice is something we have to LEARN. It’s something we have to WANT to do. And DEDICATE to every day.

How Have You Practiced Gratitude in the Past?

Over the past three years, too many unexpected setbacks filtered into my life. And, I found myself reacting in my usual way -- angry, negative, and playing the victim. I kept wondering -- “Are my familiar, resentful reactions to setbacks (with NO acknowledgment of gratitude whatsoever) a life pattern”?

After looking back many, many decades, I unequivocally admitted to myself...YES! It’s been my life pattern.

Once I let that sink into my brain, my familiar ‘negative’ behaviors during a setback felt really ugly.  A dark heaviness permeated my being. I could no longer bear the feeling. Because it’s not me. There had to be a better, healthier way to handle setbacks!

The ONE Daily Gratitude Habit That Can Transform You

And that’s when my psyche and soul awakened. I began to realize that even though gratitude -- as a ‘way of life’ -- comes naturally to some, it doesn’t mean I can’t learn to practice gratitude every day. That is... if I want to.

So, I asked myself... “How do I practice gratitude as a ‘state of being” every day?

I discovered ONE daily habit that transformed me:

First, I begin the morning with one thought:

Milk every single moment today for all the pleasure I can get from it.”

Second, I read the following from my journal...

“It is my dominant intent to look for things that feel good today. No matter where I’m going, no matter what I’m doing, no matter who I’m doing it with, it is my dominant intent to look for what I’m wanting to see, to look for things that feel good.  And express my ‘gratitude’ for these experiences.”

What Makes You Happy and Feeling Grateful?

As implied above, an everyday gratitude practice may not come naturally for some. And, that's OK because experiencing gratitude is a highly personal experience. And will depend largely on the things in your life that make you happy, hopeful, or encouraged.

An everyday gratitude practice could be as simple as finding the perfect parking spot on a crowded street. Or, feeling grateful for your loved ones who support you when you're going through a hard time.

You can start out small - like I did - by giving thanks for a couple of things per day. Then assess how you feel after.

As I’ve made gratitude a daily habit, it’s helped me learn to recognize the good things in my life - even when I experience enormous challenges.

I continually focus on the things I appreciate such as my health and wellness, loved ones, and my home environment. This also includes simple things... like watching the sunset. Or, listening to the sound of waves landing on a beach.

Let the Universe Understand Who You Really Are

As I’ve developed my daily gratitude habit and feel its vibration, the more I feel the Universe leaning in towards understanding who I really am – a grateful soul.

And, the more I experience gratitude as a ‘state of being’ - the happier I feel.

If you’re interested in upping your gratitude vibration - as a ‘way of life’ - start by letting the Universe understand who you really are!

The result? A mindful, grateful soul 24/7 - even when life becomes complicated, stressful, or filled with setbacks.



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