A Gift of Innocence

Recently, I observed a three-year-old boy and his five-year-old sister freely dancing with abandon to a song that had come over the radio. What struck me was the innocence of it and of them. They were dancing just because they could and just because suddenly they had felt like it.

It made me reflect on my own innocence.

What had become of it? When was the last time I spontaneously did something carefree and joyous merely because I felt like it?

With the arrival of yet another Christmas season, we are once again being given the opportunity to accept the gift of innocence shown symbolically as the birth of Christ Jesus.

It is a time of hope, a time of peace, and a time for the celebration of pure innocence. This Christ child so celebrated throughout history represents what each one of us had at the time of our own birth - innocence, hope, and peace. This one child awakens in us the possibility of remembering our own Christed selves filled with wonder, innocence, and infinite possibilities - no judgments, no fears, no hatred, no limitations.

The very fact that each year millions celebrate this blessed day of birth should be a reminder that as we are acknowledging this Christ child of innocence, there continues to be a child of innocence residing within our own hearts.

We either have forgotten or no longer feel worthy of this innate innocence due to life choices or toxic messages from people we had put trust in. After all, how can we be innocents when we have done this, said that or, or, or???

These two dancing children don’t judge one or even care about what might have been said or done. All they want is for you to dance with them and share their innocence and joy.

Maybe this year you and I can have a reunion with our own inner child, allow this spirit ( the same spirit surrounding the birth of Christ Jesus) to begin to dance again with abandonment just because we can and just because we feel like it.

The dance of Life- the dance of your life. A life of reclaimed innocence, joy, hope, and peace.

Blessings to all of you.

Hopefully, I shall see you on the dance floor of Life.



Forever Papa?


Robbie Kaye Interview